
My Creative Space….


….is in here somewhere.

Is it ironic that the only time lately I have REALLY, REALLY felt like sewing is when everything is boxed up & waiting to move? Or is it just, as Ed Burn says, ‘Alanic’, like having 10,000 spoons, when all you need is a knife (ironic would be that you get a knife, but find out later that a spoon would have done - like if you wanted to open a paint tin. "What do you need a knife for anyway? To stab the guy that keeps leaving spoons all over your house?!")?

I found the quilt I WILL make in an opped copy of Better Homes & Gardens yesterday (yes, more), I’ll show you later, or tomorrow, maybe. It’s somewhere where I don’t know where it is… meanwhile… WE GET THE KEYS TOMORROW!!!!!

For infinitely more creative Creative Spaces, Kirsty has got you covered.


  1. Eeek! Only one more sleep!
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  2. Oh yeah, the keys! That means all-hour-access to your (YOUR) house! You can stomp around, and look for the perfect spot for everything, and you can tell Punky where her bed and wardrobe will stand (and she will say: "Nooo, it's standing at home!").

    Don't forget the measuring tape! (And your camera! I'm so excited about seeing all the photos of your new home!)

    And P.S.: You have to give me your new postal address. Just e-mail me.

  3. WOW... I haven't stopped past ina while as we were busy moving haha. You know what I did when we packed my stuff away? I put together a little sewing survival kit so I could sew something if things got crazy. It came in handy!! Happy moving Hun!! It will be awesome soon!!

    xo Steph

  4. Wow, i didn't realise you were moving. How is it going? Are you still sane? Good luck with it all, how exciting! Where are you moving to? Is that too personal? Anyway, lots of questions from me today...I hope it goes smoothly and you settle in easily without too much carry on & nisplaced bits xo

  5. Good luck Vic! I love the picture actually - you've made even the most horrid act of boxing and packing look, well, funky. Nice work. Enjoyed a good laugh at your little knife rant too...

  6. Wow it's all happening now! New house, new bub.....it's no wonder you've been feeling a bit up and down :)

    You know what's cool? Nearly every time I look at your blog you have a bigger number on your followers list. Go girl!!

  7. good luck with the move and the new house. exciting

  8. Found you!

    And at such an exciting time too! All the best with the nightmare, ooh sorry I mean adventure of moving. Bahaha.

    I'm like that with craft too, I feel all psyched until I walk into the craft room and realise I'll need a harness and other climbing gear to actually reach the sewing machine...I really should tidy that room.

  9. Good luck with the move. Look at all those boxes. Hope you find everything you need. :)

  10. Wishing you all the best with your move. How exciting!

  11. Bah ha ha, so who is that guy that leaves spoons all over your house, huh ?? Good luck with the big move :) x

  12. I am so looking forward to the BEFORES and AFTERS in your new place. Have a great move....look after yourself wont ya!!

  13. good luck moving- it's exhausting but you'll be happy in a couple weeks settled into your new home! xo m.

  14. Ooh, so exciting!!
    Quilt? So the baby nesting vibes are kicking in already ;)

  15. OH YAY!!!! Very exciting!!!
    plus you know you and the boy have already pretty pretty creative!

  16. Beck - Just accross town. :)

    Nelle!!!! HI!!!

    Jess - Eeeeeew. ;)

  17. Oh how exciting, only one more day! I'm not a fan of moving, but it is all worth while in the end. Have a nice day and have a really good nights sleep tonight!
    Sophie x

  18. eeeeeek!
    goodluck moving in vic! i wish i could help you guys :)
    if you need any advice or deco tips, feel free to ask me, its one of my obsessions! :)
    can you email me if you get a chance pretty please, i need your addy!


  19. Yay - keys tomorrow! Enjoy and savour the moment. Don't lift anything heavy! Serously. Nic xx

  20. Isn't it called Murphy's Law? You always want the thing you can't have and when you can have it you don't want it anymore ;) But wow - new house! That sounds exciting. I hope it all goes well :) K

  21. oh wow, the day's here! that went so quick! happy moving day ~ enjoy

  22. I spot some funky vintage suitcases in there!!
    Good luck with the move, such a huge mission to movbe house but so exciting once you get there.

  23. I have to avert my eyes, because seeing boxes makes me break into a cold, cold sweat (too many moves).

    Good luck for tomorrow, Vic .... and congratulations on your new place. Tres excitement!!

  24. OH happy moving!! We move every 2 years, so i get used to packing it all away, rediscovering it a month later, 'tis how i roll. Good time to renew your passion, love Posie

  25. Doh! But good news you get to unpack it all soon :-) I love your blog banner photo - cute

  26. Just imagine how creative you are going to get to be next week, when you are setting up your new home.

  27. Love your vintage looking photo!
    I hope the move is going well.


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