
Haiku Ambulance

Another of my 'A Drawing A Day' sketches. My favourite auther, nay, the best auther, ever.
Richard Brautigan.
Haiku Ambulance
by Richard Brautigan

A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?


  1. Wow you are very talented. I heard about someone once who did a sketch a day on postcards for a year and sent them to herself (I think it was on the craftypod podcast) I just can't imagine that kind of commitment. My drawing looks like something the kids did LOL so I will have to stick to crafty creativity I think ;-)

  2. Aw, thanks Clo! I am not usually one to draw from pictures, preffer to draw what's in my head, but I luffs Brautigan. :)

    I don't know about a whole year... I am only doing it for September! It would be the getting to the PO to post the cards that would mess me up lol.


Let's have a chat. And a biscuit. And some tea. And another biscuit.


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