
How are your undies going?

Have you been collecting undies for Project Underpants? I have, and hope to be posting them off soon (the bane of my life is postage & the post office… where is a my teleporter when I need it?).


I haven’t collected as many as I would have liked, but it’s as much as I can manage right now, which is okay I guess, & all anybody can ever do, but sometimes you just want to do more, or feel like whatever you do do is never enough, so make me feel better by telling me of your undie collecting successes, & don’t forget to pledge & post them in!


  1. Thank you for making me get off my butt (I am sure that is almost punny given the topic) I have some here on my desk still sitting, sitting, sitting but now I need to get them where they need to go.
    Thanks Vic. :)

  2. No need to worry about not having collected enough.I stumbled on to your very cute blog this evening and then found myself heading of to woolies tonight to buy some underwear to send. I have emailed lots of friends and shared it on facebook, so thanks to you the word will be getting around more and i am happy to become an on going supporter of this Awesome cause!!

  3. Thank you both, I am sure every little bit helps, & like you anon. I too will be trying to contribute as much as I can in the future... Sometimes you're just touched on a deeper level, & feel you NEED to take some sort of action, this cause has done that to me & I feel so glad to be able to help in any small way I can.


Let's have a chat. And a biscuit. And some tea. And another biscuit.


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