You know, during blogtoberfest especially I make it my business to take the smallest events of the day & turn them into a big production (ie, a blog post), so now that I actually have more interesting things to talk about I’m in a big fluster.

I will start by saying that my blog would be infinitely more exciting if I did in fact live in Melbourne & hung out with such lovely crafterpeeps as I met last night at Readings, everyone has something going on, projects, life, things that spark conversations & ideas… ah, I can dream… maybe it’s a blessing though, to be out here… I don’t seem to have enough room for all these new things in my head without losing some powers of articulation (or so it seems this morning – I am so tired after two late nights driving about the countryside).

Yesterday was a day of bbqing, picnics, driving, nerves, chatting, smiling, excitement, sharing, remembering (like I remembered Jem! Do YOU remember Jem?!) & forgetting! Maybe it’s just that I am surely becoming a country bumpkin & I’m not used to having more than one thing to do in a day? Maybe everybody else has days like that all the time? For me it was a bit of a blur; except for the driving, driving, driving… props to Ms Pops for her awesome city driving skillz; I wouldn’t have made it in to St Kilda if it weren’t for her!

It was tops to meet people I only know from twitter or their blogs (even if I didn’t realise at the time) & see the lovely people I have met before again. It was super nice to meet Pip finally after reading her blog for so long & chatting on twitter; she is so lovely to crazy strangers (okay, maybe I was the only CRAZY stranger…) & warm & encouraging. I may be crafty crushing on Pip today… & she totally wrote in my book with pink texta. Oh yeah. (I just saw on Pip’s blog there are a few pictures from last night including one where she is actually signing my book.. I can tell because my pink boot is in the picture… my feet are famous, uh-huh. Go look at the piccys! I had a couple of bloggy peeps but they were candid shots of people mid conversation with those lovely unawares mid-conversation type faces & I am making an executive decision not to be a meanie & post them!)

And, I have new glasses, glasses I like & am actually going to wear like a grown up. I took this picture when I got up… messy hair & panda eyes & all… it’s made me glad I didn’t blog when I was younger & running about drinking all night. If this is what I look like after a night out at a respectable do where the strongest tipple was ginger beer, I shudder to think what I looked like after stumbling home at 4am with a stranger’s cardigan & hazy memories…
AND AND AND…. Suspence took 3 steps on his own this morning! Eek!!