
Not that kind of Weiner.

This post is nothing at all to do with that stupid American guy & his Twitter faux paux, & everything to do with the adorable Dachshund & their adorable fur paws. (See what I did there?)

1946 billboard22

We have been looking at getting a doggle for a while. We did have one, the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet, who anyone that has been reading here for long enough will remember. Holly, an American Bulldog, a rescue dog I fell in love with & travelled over 4 hours to pick up about a year before Punky was born. It was with a heavy heart that we had to rehome Hol last year; she was miserable in our teeny tiny yard after the freedom of our enormous rental property & she could hardly walk through the house without bumping into things, she being so huge & the house being so small. Never meant to be an outside dog, especially here in the freezing cold, Miss Holly deserved better. I didn’t want to blog about it at the time (I have tears in my eyes even now) & Punky still occasionally comes out with “I miss Holly.” which breaks my heart. I know though that she went to a loving home where she could get the attention & space she so needed, which eases the heartache a little, but I don’t want to go through any of that again. The next dog that comes into our family is going to be here for good.

long hp sauce

Miss Punk adores her Gran’s Jack Russels; one hyper lunatic named Gypsy & one dignified but ailing Jack, & while I don’t mind them, particularly Jack, I can’t say I’m a Jack Russel fan.

1957 Cute Dachshund Dog Bath Wheeling Steel Ad

Instead, I have been mounting a campaign for the sausage dog. I have been cooing over pictures, reading up on their care & casually dropping the words “doxie” & “dachshund” into unrelated conversations. Punky in particular is starting to come around. She saw a video of a Dachshund running; little legs flat out, ears akimbo, & said “I want that sausage!”. I’ll be able to send her & Suspence out with it to buy lighters like in the picture below. Handy!


I love it when a plan comes together.

Incidentally, there is a registered doxie breeder very close by. I have contacted her about a puppy (standard smooth for anyone interested in that sort of thing) & she is planning a litter later in the year, which gives me more time to not only convince The Mr that we have been getting a dachshund all along, but save up the cash too.

1959 ad2

In the meantime however, I will continue to swoon over pictures & stories of these quirky little canines, so don’t be alarmed if you see sausage dog related posts popping up unexpectedly around here. I think it goes without saying that I would love to hear about any Dachshunds you may have had yourself; I just can’t get enough of their burrowing, snuggling, brave & spoilt ways.

(Pictures all via ‘The Long and the Short of it all’)


  1. That's my kind of Weiner, not the idiot human kind!! We're a German Shepherd family & small dogs freak our puppy out, too funny to watch. My best friend at school had a sausage dog, named Phoebe, she was lovely!! Love Posie

  2. It's very hard being a renting family and loving animals. My family is really a small dog family and always end up with long haired ones except for my wonderful little chihuahua. I think we like having our pets on hand or lap to 'pet'. Daschunds have a special need for enough exercise and correct food portions so your little ones must know not to feed them under the table. Otherwise they certainly are a gorgeous looking dog - pretty as a picture. Cherrie

  3. We have a red mini smooth hair doxie Vic, as well as two labs... Whilst I love Remy to bits he is a barker and it drives me mad. He barks at thin air, he barks at the door, the walls, anything. But he also has the funniest little personality.

    Goodluck on your search for a daschund! Make sure you share pictures.

  4. I can fully understand your Weiner desire, they are cutest, funniest little things, and I've never met a mean one.
    I love the smooth brown haired haired ones best.
    they are a completely doggy dog. Essesntial for a dog i feel xo

  5. When I was growing up my Grant Aunt used to have a sausage dog, he was so gentle with us kids :)

  6. Ohhh my neighbour has a mini one of these and he is just the cutiest. He gets bathed in the kitchen sink and massaged with oil - better spoilt than her children! He would fit in my bag as an adult!

  7. Now, as a vet in a previous life, I am not going to share my stories ;) but I do hope that a family dog is on the horizon for you guys soon.

  8. Dogs bring so much joy to a house - I hope you find the right one (and keep checking the RSPCA incase they have what you want too - you just never know). We have 2 Jack Russells who are my boy's bestest friends.

  9. OMG I've always wanted a sausage dog too!

  10. Mr Limpy Houdini Dog's daddy was half dachsund, which I think means that Mr Limpy is quarter dachsund?
    They're fabulous dogs.... except I wonder if that's where the PO (Piss Off) gene came from?

  11. We have 2 sausage dogs and they are the BEST! They are filled with spunk, personality and love.

  12. Looking forward to those lighters!

  13. I grew up with a sausage dog, and she was just the best! She was cute and loving, but would bail people up at the gate if she didn't know them and us kids were playing outside.
    She adopted a kitten we had once when all her pups had found new homes and the kitten really shouldn't have been away from his mum yet - so cute to see a dog letting a kitten feed :)


Let's have a chat. And a biscuit. And some tea. And another biscuit.


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