This post is nothing at all to do with that stupid American guy & his Twitter faux paux, & everything to do with the adorable Dachshund & their adorable fur paws. (See what I did there?)

We have been looking at getting a doggle for a while. We did have one, the sweetest girl you could ever hope to meet, who anyone that has been reading here for long enough will remember. Holly, an American Bulldog, a rescue dog I fell in love with & travelled over 4 hours to pick up about a year before Punky was born. It was with a heavy heart that we had to rehome Hol last year; she was miserable in our teeny tiny yard after the freedom of our enormous rental property & she could hardly walk through the house without bumping into things, she being so huge & the house being so small. Never meant to be an outside dog, especially here in the freezing cold, Miss Holly deserved better. I didn’t want to blog about it at the time (I have tears in my eyes even now) & Punky still occasionally comes out with “I miss Holly.” which breaks my heart. I know though that she went to a loving home where she could get the attention & space she so needed, which eases the heartache a little, but I don’t want to go through any of that again. The next dog that comes into our family is going to be here for good.

Miss Punk adores her Gran’s Jack Russels; one hyper lunatic named Gypsy & one dignified but ailing Jack, & while I don’t mind them, particularly Jack, I can’t say I’m a Jack Russel fan.

Instead, I have been mounting a campaign for the sausage dog. I have been cooing over pictures, reading up on their care & casually dropping the words “doxie” & “dachshund” into unrelated conversations. Punky in particular is starting to come around. She saw a video of a Dachshund running; little legs flat out, ears akimbo, & said “I want that sausage!”. I’ll be able to send her & Suspence out with it to buy lighters like in the picture below. Handy!
I love it when a plan comes together.
Incidentally, there is a registered doxie breeder very close by. I have contacted her about a puppy (standard smooth for anyone interested in that sort of thing) & she is planning a litter later in the year, which gives me more time to not only convince The Mr that we have been getting a dachshund all along, but save up the cash too.

In the meantime however, I will continue to swoon over pictures & stories of these quirky little canines, so don’t be alarmed if you see sausage dog related posts popping up unexpectedly around here. I think it goes without saying that I would love to hear about any Dachshunds you may have had yourself; I just can’t get enough of their burrowing, snuggling, brave & spoilt ways.
(Pictures all via ‘The Long and the Short of it all’)