Yesterday we were in town for some veggie buying & sushi eating when I remembered about Borders closing down. We moseyed over & found the cupboard almost bare as they are in their last days, with everything at least 60% off & even the fixtures for sale.
I was sad that they were closing but cannot deny that my heart beat a little faster in anticipation of snagging a bargain… if only there were something decent left to buy!

There was. For me anyway. On a table at the front were these gems, usually $19.95 but reduced to just $3 each. I had one once but that was many moves ago – now I have the whole sassy set three. When linking I just saw there are two more! Doh!

I high-tailed it to the craft section but it was decimated. The only craft book left, without a word of a lie, was a knitting book for men (as in, Men; Knit stuff! as opposed to Men; Knit things for them!). Dejected I set about circling the store’s scant remains, hoping to come across something, anything, I could herald as a bargain… (…lucky I don’t get out to shopping centres much these days, any spare cash at all burns a hole in my pocket, especially when there is a sale on – I am a retailer’s dream….)
Cook books – gone.
Gardening books – gone.
Kid’s books – super gone.
Dvds – gone.
Cds – gone.
I ended up at the front of the store again in front of a bunch of Young Adult books. I saw something pink & floral, something that I thought had “…for girls of slender Mums…” as the subtitle, & I picked it up anyway.


A quirky & cute craft book, with skirts, bags & dresses to make! The title, in actuality, is Lovely Things to Make for Girls of Slender Means, which is me to a tee (…just as well it was about money & not girth…).

Truth be told, I bought it without really looking at it, so excited was I to find any kind of decent looking craft book at all, but when I got home I perused it more & even googled it; then I found that my bloggy mate Jennie had reviewed it! She’s done a much more thorough job than I would ever do, so go there if you’d like to know more, but I was doubly chuffed to find that someone who’s sewing skills are much better than mine thought my bargain book was a good’un too!